Monday, February 26, 2024

More Important Decisions

I wish I had the time to make every episode by April 10th, but with my packed schedule, making a 5-minute excerpt for one will already be quite a challenge. The question is, which of the five episodes will I be making? For this, I made a Pros and Cons chart on each subject.

Contrary to popular demand. I am doing the Mathletes!!! Everyone keeps on telling me "You're so lame why would you do it on math" but I almost see it as a challenge. How can I make a math competition look engaging and intense? I also have never seen something like it before and I love making unique things. Coincidentally a close friend of mine was the president of MAO last year and when I told her the idea she, first, LOVED IT, and second told me that they actually have a competition the first week of March. If that's not perfect, I don't know what is. It fits with my schedule perfectly!

I got the phone number of the current president to see if I could interview him, but I also need to stop by the sponsor's classroom to ask if I can do this and film during their competition. I am so excited! I really hope they say yes, I can even pretend like I'm filming the math scene from Mean Girls. 

I will keep you guys up to date with the responses I get from the MAO community but as of right now, my brain is spiraling with ideas for B-roll and interview questions. I really need to organize my ideas and create an outline for what I'm going to create and how I plan on implementing the video game aspect. Things to keep in mind when continuing to develop the project:

  1. You are creating a 5 minute excerpt for a longer documentary episode, Don't cover every topic (I'm thinking I'll probably pick the first 5 minutes of the episode)
  2. Keep a consistent style for all the (hypothetical) episodes, in this case the video game 
  3. Remember to make the social media page cause you have to post that periodically, 
I'm looking forward to working on this in the future and ill keep the blog posted with more updates, definitely more research coming soon.

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Project Components

Thats it! I hope you enjoyed the process over the past eight weeks, and my growth over these two years. This class has taught me so many val...